Ghost's, Monsters & Myths

Picture from a flyung BatKlick here, to go back to the german version!


Hungarian soft and helpfull Fairy, in the later Centurys she was called a Witch.
Baba is a Name for an Nurse too, who has magical Powers.

It is an Russian Version of the Witch, she is riding an Iron-Oven and likes to eat Human meat,
Just like other witches.

Bebon = egypt Daemon of the Darkness.!
You can read in the Book of Death of the old egypt people,
that this creature is very shy and will eat, dead people by the dead-court...

He ist an malaysian Demon, who grows up in the Bodys of deathborn Children.
He brings Sickness to the People, most of them are Deadly.

It is a Demon auf Haiti, he came back on earth as a Ghul to eat Human-Flesh!
( :) Yum! )

The Baku is an kind of Chimera he has a lion's head, tiger's feet and a horse's body and a Tail of a cow. He is called the 'eater of dreams'. He is a "Dreamchanger", that means he come into the Humans Dreams and changed the nightmare from this person in an piece- and beautifull Dream! If it was this what the Human
wish. But only if he likes those person…

A monstrous dog with huge teeth and claws from the area around Yorkshire, northern England. It only appears at night.
Old Legends says that anyone who sees the dog clearly will die soon after the encounter. In Wales, they have the red-eyed
Gwyllgi, the Dog of Darkness. On the Isle of Man it is called Mauthe Doog.

In the Javanese Mythologys she is a Kind of nymp.
With her magic knowledge she may rescue the hero
from a dangerous situation and even marry him.

The Boobrie is an fabulous water-bird of Scottish Highland folk belief.
The creature haunts lakes and salt wells.

He ist an scottish houseghost.
Lives in the Highlands and hides during the day in cimneys. Is described as shrinky,
small, old man. He creeps at night to bad children, especially to ones that don't wants
to sleep. He pinches them everywhere, lifts their eyelids, and makes them have
nightmares. The phenomenom stops immediately when the child turns good again

They are little disgusting little houseghost's, far relatives of the Bogies and Brownies.
Gnomelike Creatures, dark-skinned and haired, and wearing often dirty rags as clothing.
Pretty clumsy, and make therefore a lot of noises. They make as much of mischief as they can, scare the chickens, throw over milkcans, pinches sleeping babies in the nose, discharge clogs, and other "nice" things like that. Often the only possibility that remains is to move out of the house to get rid of those Beasties, since there is not yet a method to cope with Boggarts.

He is an demonic Spirit that opens his eyes on the day of St. George
and eats the person it sees first.
Its a Creature, who lives in dark edges, in the Bottom of the Houses, or in little dark spaces. If someone came along it jump out behind them and made "BOOH!"
(Well, sometimes it brings your Bloodcircle up! )

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