Ghost's, Monsters & Myths

Picture from a flyung BatKlick here, to go back to the german version!


(Aztec, Southamerica)
'Old moon god'. An Aztec moon god who represents the male form on the planet,
even its rising from the ocean. Tecciztecatl is an old man who carries a large white seashell on his back

Tenshi are japanese angels. They are not only the messengers of the gods, but also
work for the benefit of people. They prevented the kobo (priest) Daishi from
sacrificing his life by throwing himself from a high rock, telling him that a
lifetime of teaching the lore of Buddha is better than propitiation.

She is the chinese goddess of the lightning whose name means "Mother of Lightning".

Is an girl from old Japanese legend who fell in love with a young samurai. He could
not marry her immediately and was later told that she had died. Tsuyu ("Dew")
waited for him but the samurai, believing the girl dead, forgot all about her and
she died of grief. Her ghost returned and haunted the samurai's house until
she finally joined him in bed. The next morning he was found, dead, in tight
embrace with a skeleton.

Is an tibethian Name, a description for an special kind of Spooky or Poltergeist
Phenomenon. Tulpa is a piece of a Fokusperson, ( These are Person in their nearest area spooky or Poltergeist-Phenomenons appears) who act now autark ( alone), it is the Spirit of the thoughts and feelings of this person.
You can describe Tulpa at best as a Stormfront, the energy of this appears and
stay so long until it is worked out and then it disappear forever..
( It's maybe similar to the japanese Shinentai, but this Phenomenon appears only
after the Fokusperson has died…)

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